Friday, July 31, 2009

Creating a numbered menu in C?

Hi, I need some help in making a numbered menu using C language.

Example :

1) Please enter blah blah

2) Please tell me......

3) :

Please enter your menu number....

How would I be able to link these menus , if I have already created the code that asks for the information in 1,2,3 but it's not in a number menu ?

Creating a numbered menu in C?
For a console application (dont' forget to #include conio and stdio):

char ch;

int choice = 0;

puts("1. Please enter blah blah\n2. Please tell me...\n3. :\nPlease, enter your menu number...");

while(kbhit())getch(); /*2clear input buffer from 'ghosts'*/



ch = getch();

if(ch%26gt;='1' %26amp;%26amp; ch%26lt;='3') choice = (ch-'1');

} while(choice%26lt;0);



case 1: MyProc_EnterBlahBlah(); break;

case 2: MyProc_TellMe(); break;

case 3: MyProc_TwoDots(); break;


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